
Friday, May 06, 2011

Wikileaks' Julian Assange: Facebook: 'appalling spy machine'

Julian Assange on Facebook

I revealed this some time ago. Recently, I have received a few email inquiries about why I can now be found on Facebook when I have so often railed against its use. The truth of the matter is this - I use Facebook quite differently than most do. My anonymity is still maintained and for all intents the SDAI-Tech1 presence on Facebook is a placeholder -just another means of distribution of data.

If you're on Facebook, you're on the grid. Your phone is tracking you and at any time someone can find you, wherever you are, in less than about 30 seconds, should someone want or need to find you.

The real shock of this is - you probably don't mind. You've already submitted to a total lack of privacy in regards to your life. The latest generations spend a lot of time INCREASING their exposure on social networks like Facebook and Twitter! They want perfect strangers to know when they are seeing a movie, or going to the bathroom, or what-have-you! They crave attention and electronic affirmation. So Facebook, like their cell phones, are like a second head and a third arm, respectively.

Millions don't care if their every action is recorded and known about and are happy someone is watching. This new generation practically begs for voyeurs and cyber-stalkers. They crave this affirmation of their very existence. So the pathos has reached a new crescendo and Facebook, Google and the government have very friendly relationships.

The overlapping of private and public sector creeps me out. The government has used Google and Facebook to do things it would never be permitted to do - to collect data they would never be able to collect - and certainly not so effortlessly.

It's too late. Most people are addicted to social networking and there is an incredible amount of peer pressure to place your life on line for all to see.

The real laugh is that Facebook even has privacy settings. Once that data is uploaded, it ceases to be private. What you read, what you watch and every little detail you choose to provide gives the government more than enough data for threat assessment and whether to probe even deeper into your life.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    But I guess the real question is, why is privacy so very important? When has there been a time when people have been so open and free with themselves?

    I think that as a concept (clearly people can't totally handle it, they are still depressed about it etc), it works.. if everyone knows everyones dirty laundry, those things become socially acceptable, we stop caring about them as a society, and we move forward. Outdated taboos lose their meaning.


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