
Friday, February 02, 2007

The Leftist Culture of Professional Victimization.

Being a leftist means never having to say you're sorry.

If something bad happens to you - it's NEVER your fault. It's someone else's fault or just "bad luck", "fate" or insert some other ridiculous and unscientific way of looking at life that passes responsibility for the things that happen to you - on YOU.

The whining chorus of leftists sing the song of suffering. They are the professional victims. They are the victim of George Bush, the victims of 'global warming'. They are the victims of evil corporations. They are the victims of the rich. They are the victims of warmongers, chimps and other things too horrible to contemplate without entering the leftist lingo of victim-hood.

In the process of their lifelong feeling sorry for themselves, they naturally see nothing wrong with their actions. They justify their whining, invective and profanity. They hit the bottle, hit the drugs or visit some leftist bulletin board where they can while away the hours among similar professional victims.

Some of these leftists could learn a thing or two from Democrat and former President Harry Truman. When he moved into the Oval Office he placed a small plaque on his desk and on it read, "The Buck Stops Here". This did not mean that male deers used the Oval Office as a place to rest, it meant that HE took RESPONSIBILITY for the things that came to him.

We ALL are responsible for the things that happen to us. EVERYTHING. That's the way life works - very scientifically. Nothing comes from nothing. Everything is CAUSE & EFFECT. Repeat after me... CAUSE & EFFECT. One more time, that last one was pretty weak and I couldn't hear the complaining folks protesting something in California - CAUSE & EFFECT.

The next time you start pointing your finger at Bush, evil conservatives or ANY group or individual - look at yourself instead and repeat to yourself CAUSE & EFFECT. Nothing happens to you that you haven't brought about in some way. This includes sicknesses too. Yep, cancer and all the other diseases are included. We recognize many of the things that cause cancer and many of them are avoidable. Smoking, alcoholism are the obvious self-inducing things, but there are other less obvious ones. The dangers of the sun have been issued to sunbathers for well over 100 years. Only after Coco Chanel glamorized tan bodies did a tan say something other than you were poor, ignorant of these dangers or a farmer. Yes, the kids who caught Polio weren't "victims" of "fate" either. They were exposed to it somewhere and that was that. Cautious parents already restricted the social contacts of their children back in the forties as they were told to do to prevent physical contact with new groups of children.

Recently Molly Ivins died of breast cancer. Unfortunately, for the world, almost all of her tributes are about her political ideology. Her death is used as a last sting on Bush. She is identified as an outspoken liberal and this is why the media laments her passing. She was a victim of Bush and his "Bushies" and now is a victim of breast cancer. Pardon me if I don't join the parade of fake-mourners who only lament the loss of a political tool who helped enable others practice their professional victimization and blaming of Bush for all the evils in the world. When Jeff MacNelly died of cancer far less was mentioned even though his career as a political cartoonist was decades long, but Jeff MacNelly was conservative so he was not quite as important to the media. And for all those women who die of breast cancer that don't even rank an obituary notice - well they too weren't important - because they weren't professional whiners. The message the media sends is "Breast cancer is a tragedy - but you will only be mourned by the media if you were a pro-active lefist Bush hater."

Recently, I encountered someone on a leftist bulletin board who wondered if Molly Ivins might have have been "targeted" by the evil conservatives. Pointing out the obvious - that such an idea was completely paranoid, only attracted the ire of the boards professional whiners - leftists, clueless of the way the universe works, who only wanted to feel sorry for themselves, bash a conservative or blame Bush for everything - including Molly Ivins' breast cancer. It was a parade of leftist ignorance and perhaps had redeeming value as an educational tool about those who constantly view life as victims. The bad conservative is making me angry! The inhuman conservative is suggesting Molly Ivin's is not a "victim" - how dare he!

Molly Ivins was not a victim. Labeling people with diseases as "victims" is asinine. Diseases, like everything else are - that's right - CAUSE & EFFECT. We often know where we catch a disease or what causes it. If I smoke 5 packs a day for three decades and get lung cancer it's a more obvious cause and effect - with breast cancer it is less obvious cause and effect - but make no doubt about it - it is still cause and effect!

The real tragedy is that the world goes around playing make-believe like children. By turning everyone into "victims" they create the perception that some things just happen randomly - when such is not the case. Once again, all things all happenings are cause and effect. By turning the persons with unidentified causes for their diseases as "victims" it puts off the day and the inquiry into the CAUSE. Excessive mammograms, radiation exposure, frequent flying (cosmic radiation) and unhealthy eating are just some things that have been identified as likely causes of breast cancer. There are probably lots more. So let's not compound the tragedy of loss of life, by reverting to the mindsets of our ancestors to whom nearly EVERYTHING was a mystery and to whom all deaths were dished out by unhappy gods whom the person with a disease had somehow fallen out of favor with.

Stop the victimization of people with diseases. To leftists they are just another group to exploit - more "victims" to represent and used to justify demanding things from others. When more people, and the media, quit turning people with diseases into martyrs - the sooner materia medica can find the solutions and more people can be saved. Perhaps my tribute to Molly Ivins, and the disease she incurred, will be the one that is the most beneficial to society and make up for the hundreds of media leftists using the passing of one of their own as just another chance to bash Bush and disparage the conservatives.

I guess if you're a clueless "professional victim" such actions make perfect sense. But for those who have a bit more perspective and wisdom - such "media anointed martyrship" for one of their own is just brainwashing of the public and the exploitation of others for personal gain while prolonging the day such diseases and their causes are identified and cured.

And for those who think I am compassionless for bringing this up - I'm far from the heartless monster some leftists would like to paint me out as an excuse to dismiss this post and its important message - as someone who has lost several relatives to cancer, a lack of compassion is not what spurs this and in fact the opposite is true. The sooner cultural victimization ceases, the sooner the REAL causes are IDENTIFIED and and more lives can be saved by prevention.

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