
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Deep Throat & Professional Liars

Mark Felt has been revealed by his family and the Washington Post as "Deep Throat" the informant who revealed privileged information to newsmen. He has lied for years in his denial of the truth and now expects to be thought of as a patriot because he tattled on Nixon's lies. Not Ironically Felt has been lying for far longer than Watergate lasted or Nixon's few months of misstatements to the media. He's now a genuine professional liar who has lied for decades.

How fitting!

Nixon was ousted because he lied about some political trickery - trickery which has gone on since politics began. It was blown all out of proportion and we had to experience massive liars in office, like Bill Clinton, to realize just how minor Nixon's "find out what the Dems are doing" fiasco was in the scheme of things. Even Democrats whose mantra is "Bush lied, people died" would find the Nixon impeachment and his subsequent resignation laughable.

Only the media really seems to care about Deep Throat and Watergate. It is part of their aging legacy and one of their proudest leftist accomplishments. Only Nixon was decent enough to resign to spare the nation further time-wasting. Sadly, for them, Nixon was still consulted by future Presidents and his advice was sought out by Democrats and Republicans alike.

Reading the media articles as they relish forgotten leftist accomplishments is fun. After the failed Dan Rathergate lies and frauds pushed off on the public by the media they need to rehash 30 year old victories and savor them, despite the fact that with the passing of time they only appear more pathetic and feeble each time they do so.

Felt is a professional liar. A man who hid from responsibility or putting his name on the line when it mattered. He wanted to punish a President he felt passed him up for promotion to J. Edgar Hoover's position as head of the FBI. He is a coward both professionally and personally.

He's no patriot. No hero. He's now just a vision of pure pathos paving the way for his kids to cash in on books. Books only old, bitter leftists will read - or pretend to have read.

I would normally feel compassion for him. But his actions and 3 decades of lying have only earned disgust and contempt.

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