
Monday, October 27, 2008

Before you Vote...

...ask yourself just what sort of world you want to live in. You have two choices:

Poverty with big brother policing you
Poverty all by itself.

That's right. Voting for either party will not return prosperity. This election is all about handing over more power to the government. The government earns no money. It generates no wealth. Each time it expands it must consume some of the wealth of the private sector to do so. Each time it expands it impoverishes the people just a little bit more.

Sure - you're angry, frightened - desperate. The money is gone. The jobs are gone and you want someone to make it better - or just someone to blame. The world economy is tanking and some politicians must make it all better or must be to blame.

Sadly, it's just not true. Obama will be as impotent as President Bush to fix the economy. Obama, like McCain, haven't a clue as to what really has happened in the US to cause the decline, and even if they were to have an epiphany of intellectual genius they would realize, without a doubt, that the government is not best suited to save the masses. The masses must save themselves, foster education about capitalism and economics, teach the difference between accumulating cash and generating wealth.

I don't envy Obama or McCain. Either of them elected President will be the worst curse they ever brought upon themselves. Either will be hated from the get-go and the hate will only increase to astronomical levels as the economy unravels and the nation begins its rapid descent into a classic "Americas" socialist, poverty-stricken nation.

So if you hate either Obama or McCain and want to see them suffer and become the target of inestimable hate and loathing - vote for them.

If you want to change things in America and I mean REALLY change things around for the better, now is the emerging time for FOFOFU.

FOrm FOllows FUnction.

A little over two years ago I first introduced the concept. Dozens of readers have written to thank me or inform me it has change their lives since it was published. I'd like to think hundreds more are also benefiting from FOFOFU lifestyle.

Remake your life - and live as an example for all those around you. Free yourself from the robotized and lemming like existence of the masses. Once you pare down the extraneous stuff - life becomes much more fun, productive and honest. The days of stereotypes are over. How you want to live should follow your lifestyle and what you do. If you don't need a 4 bedroom house and are just as comfortable in a 2 bedroom or an apartment - why waste your time in upkeep, money and effort? If you need only 2 cars, instead of 3 - why not sell the 3rd and put that money towards things you really need or enjoy. Yes, ENJOY life more. FOFOFU is not about asceticism or living without - it is about intelligent living, spending money for things you really enjoy and need. Shifting your resources towards the life YOU live.

Spend more time with your kids, your friends and your loved ones. Spend time with the folks you really care about and drop the faux socializing for position or to conform. It is not intelligent to spend time with people who, just like you, would rather be elsewhere but are going through elaborately programmed rituals.

Freedom from waste is a huge freedom. Before long your life will be completely different. You will start to live more intelligently. You will cease to expect others to improve your life or the lives of others and will realize that anything else is death. Yes, death. Each time you pass the buck and blame others or wait for others to make your life better - you become one step more inert. We are seeing the result of global inertia in the masses. A sense of utter hopelessness with each person looking around them for salvation and assistance. With each such passive plea for "change" or "wealth redistribution" the masses become that much more inert and that much more incapable of saving themselves. And yet no one else can save others. I can't. You can't. Obama and McCain can't. Each person must save themselves or they will slowly devolve and become inhuman. They become like an inanimate object that must be moved from place to place by others, carried by others effort and will since their own is long gone.

And from my perspective, I see the cumulative results of such regenerating inertia. It's not pretty. Like a wasted body with withering muscles barely able to stand or move themselves - a wasted spirit is that much more horrifying.

Save yourself. When you vote, don't expect anything. Don't fall into the line of lemmings all with angry or fearful minds full of demands, desires or disasters you hope your vote will bring about or avert.

Yes. The founding fathers of the United States were self-sufficient men. They lived FOFOFU long before it became a clarified concept. They shrugged off one imposing government and tried their best to insure that government would never again control men's lives - or make men dependant upon the mercy of the government. Presidents were not messiahs, just men. No one expected a President to put food on their table or a roof over their heads. No one wanted to have to rely on the whims of politicians or others.

If you do this, if you expect NOTHING in return for your vote. You will be content. You will not be disappointed. You will have untied yourself from the ropes politicians drag unsuspecting men & women behind them as they subvert their own will and self-sufficient natures.

The future belongs to you. To the minds bright enough to escape the inertia of a declining culture, shaped by entertainment and mass media into billions of minds living amazingly robot-like lives. Most of them - filled with unnecessary unhappiness, self induced by selling their minds and thoughts to others. By placing conditions and goals on their happiness, each measuring their lives by comparing them to those of others around them.

My happiness is immeasurable. Contentedness is a constant unseen companion, though her grace and soft touch can't be ignored.

I will not weep bitter tears or shriek with joy because some politician or party secures or retains power. I hope for the rest of the world that they too will someday share my happiness and contentedness. I hope the yokes will be thrown of and men and women will become men and women again.

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