
Monday, October 03, 2005

Understanding our Spacetime Universe

Let's dip into cosmology for a moment. Science, today, generally still adheres to the big bang theory of the universe, based upon their observations. Today, we'll review some of these observations and provide a clearer, more comprehensive view of our universe.

All our observations of the universe are made while our planet is in motion. It is in motion in our solar system and it is in motion as part of our galaxy. The GR (General Relativity) theory poses that spacetime creates gravity based upon the 4 dimensional curvature.

Imagine a satellite takes a photo of the earth. On this image you draw a triangle. The triangle from the point of reference of the satellite is perfect and its angles equal 180 degrees.

However this is GR interpreted light. The reality is that the object being measured is a three dimensional spacetime object, and the triangle measured by the satellite is, in reality, a curved triangle whose angles end up equaling more than 180 degrees!

Euclidean geometry is invalid in such a interpretive measurement.

Unfortunately, all the big bang proponents are thinking in Euclidean terms of expansion. All light measured from ALL galaxies is distorted and inaccurate light.

Expansion is the illusion of curved spacetime. When we measure light from distant galaxies, expansion is the illusion created by the gravitational curvature and our own galaxy's speed as we move through spacetime.

Einstein showed how rising/descending light waves change in frequency which is measured by our eyes as red (slower) or blue (faster).

We live in 4 dimensions. Three space dimensions plus time.

This is an important concept.

Two events that happen simultaneously from one inertial frame of reference do NOT happen simultaneously from other inertial frames of reference.

What does this mean? It means we must view the universe in four dimensional form. Space can be converted to time and time to space.

As Earth and our galaxy travels in an arc at the speed of light our measurement of other light is curved in relationship to our own movement.

Think of the satellites perfect triangle again. Its measurements are inaccurate and not based in reality but its own inertial frame interpretive reality.

What happens to light viewed from a curving spacetime inertial reference such as ours?

Well....let's think.

If we are moving away from an object at the speed of light, all the light that actually reaches us from beyond our own galaxy most must appear with a red shift

Only galaxies that are in an almost parallel path as our own will appear with a blue shift.

From a bangers' Euclidean type thinking, the universe appears to be an explosion of galaxies moving away from us! This is totally ignoring Minkowskis spacetime and only paying attention to Einstein's light wave observations.

I see it as it is, a curving spacetime vortex.

The galaxies being observed are not exploding away from us but are, rather, simply traveling in their own curved spacetime arcs in what could be visualised as a larger "galaxy" made up of galaxies.

Let's take a look:

As we can see, even our neighboring galaxies in our own "arm of galaxies" will appear with somewhat of a redshift. Only a galaxy traveling faster than our own or actually coming closer to us could appear with a blue shift. Since most of these are fixed in galaxy arms, it may be hundreds, thousands or more years till their redshift changes and appears diminished. For most, their light as we move through spacetime, will always be in redshift, even though we may always maintain roughly equal distances.

We can measure the light from these galaxies and interpret that they are moving away from us, when both galaxies are moving at the speed of light in fixed rotation and the light appears in redshift because it is trying to catch up.

Naturally, the shift to red from further galaxies in particularly opposed inertial frame of references will make it appear as if they are accelerating away from us when they are doing no such thing.

This is what Ned Wright and other big bang proponents don't understand. I doubt Eric Lerner or other static universe proponents understand it either.

The universe is not static.

It is not an expanding bubble caused by a primordial explosion.

It is a curved spacetime vortex - just like the tiny atom itself. It is elegant, exquisite and defies conventional 3rd dimensional thinking to understand.

Hope that helps give you (and lots of other folks) a new & better perspective of the universe. It will be some time before this view takes hold and is commonplace.

This text of this entry Understanding our Spacetime Universe and images, though copyrighted, are freely made available to readers to disperse for non-profit, educational purposes with proper reference as to their origins.

(Note: portions of this post were initially published on

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