Wondered why Cheney was getting clobbered in those unscientific online polls? Look no further. Here at SDAI-Tech1 we always peek behind the curtain to reveal the reasons why and this is the reason: Online poll hijacking.
This was the DU game-plan of attack for mass hijacking of the online polls. "Skinner" wanted to scalp the public tonight and distort the truth, much as his idol John Edwards did earlier in the evening. All the online news polls have been hijacked. When John Edwards said the people want the truth...I guess he was talking about that sort of flexible Clintonesque truth known as a lie.
DU THREAD I expect this link will eventually be pulled to conceal the truth. So I already cut-n-pasted the contents.
Posted by Skinner on Tue Oct-05-04 04:50 PM
For tonight's vice presidential debate, we are posting a list of websites that are likely to have online polls. Please visit these websites and vote on each of these polls. If you find another poll, please post it in this thread so we can add it to the list.
IMPORTANT -- Please note that many of these links haven't yet posted their poll. We have a simple graphical icon next to each poll indicating whether a poll is online yet or not:
No - Poll is not online yet. Please post in this thread when a poll becomes available, and provide a link to the poll.
Yes - Poll is online. Go vote!
ABC News: http://abcnews.go.com
AOL News: http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/elections/article.adp?id=200...
BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/3717918.stm
CBS News: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/08/politics/main...
CNBC: http://moneycentral.msn.com
CNN: http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004
FoxNews: http://www.foxnews.com
MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697
PBS: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/vote2004/debates/ballot_vp....
USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com
Time: http://www.time.com/time (Right side)
Wall Street Journal: http://discussions.wsj.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=wsjv...
Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com
Yahoo News: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=s&u=/static/poll_...
By focusing our efforts here, we can make a difference on polls that have a small number of responses.
ABC27 Harrisburg PA http://www.whtm.com
ABC30 Fresno: http://abclocal.go.com/kfsn (Look for "Who Do You Think Won The Debate?"
Allentown PA Morning Call: http://www.mcall.com
American Research Group: http://www.americanresearchgroup.com/debatei
Asheville Citizen-Times: http://www.citizen-times.com (Right column)
Austin American Statesman: http://www.statesman.com/news/content/shared/news/polit...
Boston Globe: http://www.boston.com/news/politics/debates/100504poll
Campaigns and Elections: http://www.campaignline.com/poll/index.cfm?navid=54
Channel One http://www.channelone.com/news/2004/10/06/ap_election_v...
Chicago Tribune: http://www.chicagotribune.com
Daytona News-Journal: http://www.news-journalonline.com
Daily Iberian: http://www.iberianet.com
Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36~29805~24481...
Detroit Free Press: http://www.freep.com
Detroit News: http://info.detnews.com/feedback/lettersindex.cfm?topic...
El Paso Times http://cgi.elpasotimes.com/cgi-bin/poll/polls.cgi?poll=...
Fort Myers News-Press: http://www.news-press.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage
Hampton Roads: http://www.hamptonroads.com (bottom of page)
HBO Bill Maher http://www.hbo.com/billmaher/?ntrack_para1=leftnav_cate...
Houston Chronicle: http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/politics/28318...
In-Forum Fargo ND http://www.in-forum.com
Jackson TN Sun http://miva.jacksonsun.com/miva/cgi-bin/miva?OPINION/di... (right column)
KARE Minneapolis http://www.kare11.com/elections/poll.aspx
KATC3 Lafayette: http://www.katc.com
KDBC El Paso: http://www.kdbc.com (left column)
KDKA Pittsburgh: http://kdka.com
KIRO 710: http://710kiro.com
Knox News http://www.knoxnews.com/kns/poll/0,1406,KNS_356_54501,0...
KOTV Tulsa: http://www.kotv.com/main/home/main.asp (Right column "Hotbutton")
KSDK St. Louis: http://www.ksdk.com/includes/poll.aspx
KYW Philadephia: http://www.kyw.com
Lafayette Daily Advertiser: http://www.acadiananow.com
LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/2004
Minnesota Star Tribune: http://www.startribune.com
Ms. Magazine: http://www.msmagazine.com/debate_poll.asp
My San Antonio: http://www.mysanantonio.com (Halfway down on left "Cast your vote")
NBC25 Hagerstown MD: http://nbc25.com/webpoll.asp
News Central: http://www.newscentral.tv
Newsday: http://www.newsday.com (Look for "e-Poll: Rate the candidates")
New York Daily News http://www.nydailynews.com (right column)
Orlando Sentinel: http://www.orlandosentinel.com (Look for "POLL: Who won the VP debate?")
Philly.com http://forums.prospero.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=kr-l...
Polling Point: http://survey.pollingpoint.com/survey/welcome.php?sn=71...
Rapid City Journal: http://www.rapidcityjournal.com (left column)
Rocky Mountain News http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/poll/0,1299,DRMN_...
Sioux Falls Argus Leader: http://www.argusleader.com
St. Petersburg Times http://www.sptimes.com
Sun-Sentinel: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/southflorida/sfl... (right column)
Tampa Bay 10 News: http://www.tampabays10.com (right column)
Tampa Bay Online http://multimedia.tbo.com/multimedia/popup/polls/2004vp...
Tampa Tribune http://www.tampatrib.com
WAKA Montgomery AL http://www.waka.com
WFMY Greensboro NC: http://www.wfmy.com/news/poll/default.aspx
WHOTV Des Moines: http://whotv.com (Left side of page)
Wilmington DE News Journal: http://www.delawareonline.com/newsjournal
Winston-Salem Journal: http://www.journalnow.com (Left column)
WKEF Cleveland: http://www.wkef22.com/dayton_oh /
WKRC Cincinnati: http://www.wkrc.com
WKYC Cleveland: http://www.cleveland.com/poll/pollWKYCtwo.html
WSB 750 Atlanta: http://wsbradio.com
WTOL Toledo http://www.wtol.com
WTRF West Virginia: http://www.wtrf.com
WXYZ Detroit: http://www.detnow.com/wxyz
These local news outlets all have the same basic website design, and they seem to link to the same poll, but you are encouraged to vote in each of them.
Look for the same text on every page: "Survey: Who Won The Debate?"
Click 2 Houston http://www.click2houston.com
Channel 10 Providence: http://www.turnto10.com
Denver Channel: http://www.thedenverchannel.com
Iowa Channel http://www.theiowachannel.com
Kansas City Channel: http://www.thekansascitychannel.com
KCRA Sacramento: http://www.thekcrachannel.com
KFOX El Paso http://www.kfoxtv.com
KIRO7 Seattle: http://www.kirotv.com
Milwaukee Channel: http://www.themilwaukeechannel.com
NBC10 Philadelphia: http://www.nbc10.com
NBC 13 Birmingham http://www.nbc13.com
NBC4 Washington DC: http://www.nbc4.com
NBC5 Cincinnati: http://www.channelcincinnati.com
NBC5 Dallas-Fort Worth: http://www.nbc5i.com
NBC6 South Florida: http://www.nbc6.net
New Orleans Channel: http://www.theneworleanschannel.com
NewsNet5 Cleveland: http://www.newsnet5.com
Pittsburgh Channel: http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com
WESH2 Orlando: http://www.wesh.com/politics
WFTV9 Orlando: http://www.wftv.com
WGAL Harrisburg PA: http://www.thewgalchannel.com
WHIO Dayton http://www.whiotv.com
WRAL Raleigh-Durham: http://www.wral.com
WSOC TV Charlotte http://www.wsoctv.com
WTOV 9 Wheeling WV http://www.wtov9.com
Sadly their intelligence is so lacking that they fail to realize rigged results become apparent--especially when your candidate loses so decisively. Subtle poll influencing would have been less obvious. But, we must remember we are dealing with the thug mentality and the 85-100 IQ that comes with it. Expecting cleverness or subtlety just isn't in their make-up.
Educational isn't it? First we have George Soros hijacking the factcheck.com site to redirect traffic to his anti-Bush website, and then this desperate DU attempt to subvert popular opinion. Hijacking seems to be in the democrats blood, no wonder they seem to root for US casualties and terrorists and did the celebratory endzone dance for the 1000th US casualty.
Just another peek behind the curtain.
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