
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Retaliation Begins

The Planetary Defense sirens have triggered a lockdown of Shamballa.  We are sealed in sub-level 7 and a hologram of the Earth appears in the center of the room.  A red "cloud" seems to hover in space over twenty percent of the Earth and hitting the Atlantic seaboard.

"It's Dal-Shin. They're projecting a sub-field using the consciousness' of the people they control to fuel it."

"What's the nature of the field?" I ask.  Shayla has a response almost as quickly as I spoke.

"Most signals seem to be intense hate with the remainder focusing in the paranoia spectra.  It's a hate storm."

Hate storms are incredibly dangerous. Murders, violence, suicide and all sorts of crime spike when our world is hit with these type of attacks.

"Activate the cancellation satellites - now." Shayla instructs.

I look at the hologram and the 1000s of satellite locations all turn blue. Blue rings appear and blanket the entire surface of the Earth. When they hit the red hate storm the hate storm vanishes and is overtaken by the many expanding blue concentric rings.

Dal-Shin is a very technocratic world, but their technology is all stolen from other worlds. In that regards, it is very much like China - a place where intellectual theft occurs because the minds are unsophisticated and unable to come up with their own technologies.  This gives the confederation
a great edge in mitigating their attacks. In a very real sense the Dal-Shin have molded China and the CCP into a nation of Dal-Shin "mini-mes" whose tactics, selfishness and goals are mirrors of their  own.

"Valhalla! Report. Are their brain control broadcasts getting through?"

"We are monitoring a great reduction, but 13% of brain control broadcasts are still breaching Earth's defense shield."

"Isolate the frequencies and source of those signals. I want them cancelled out."

The Martian responds with a cool, unemotional reply. "They appear to be coming from the Earth itself."


"Somewhere about 20,000 feet under the Gulf of Mexico...south of St Croix."

"Interesting. Get me specific coordinates."

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Targeting China - Shamballa 2020

It's been almost a decade since my time as Tech1 ended abruptly. My position, assets, friends and work life are now memories. Living on an alien world changed me. For those who care about names the world is known as Htra-deg and I spent 9 years there with an alien woman called Yal-hune.

The weirdest thing is the time disparity. 9 Earth years passed here, but centuries passed on Htra-deg.  However, I am not centuries older (though I feel like it in many ways) my body has been returned to the atomic state it was before I left.  I am, technically, the same age I was on July 18th, 2011 - when I left. I have experienced many human lifetimes worth of events, memories, feelings and knowledge.

Now I am back on Earth.  SDAI is still active and Shamballa still exists in the vast Arizona wasteland. Today, it was 121 degrees in the shade and I almost forgot the feeling of the harsh sunlight's radiation burrowing into one's body.  Earth is in another crisis. Save it from one alien Armageddon and there's always another one just around the corner.

Many of you who have loyally followed this blog have been treated very poorly. I never said goodbye. I apologize.  I know many think all this a fiction and perhaps some parts are, but other parts are quite real and preserving plausible deniability was always pursued - not just for my benefit, but for yours.

I realize I don't quite sound the same. My mind, its emotions and thought processes are more controlled and it in many ways dehumanizes the descriptions.  I recall when Shayla called my mental dialogues "Doctor Doom-ing."  She was right.  Now it's all a bit less melodramatic and all too sanitized.  On Htra-deg I developed an amazing resistance to overshadowing and now, on Earth, this built in resistance permits me to communicate without filters.

"You still sound a bit like Doctor Doom you know."

Shayla appears with a copy of the signed Executive Order in her hand from President Trump. The one that activates all the resources of MIMIR to deal with the alien overshadowing that is controlling the bankers, Chinese communist leaders and those all the way down to the most low level antifa street thug.

I laugh.  "Doctor Doom was misunderstood. He was always trying to save his mother, as I recall."

"True.  So who are YOU trying to save now?  The Earth? The United States? "

"Just myself.  This cycle is a replay of previous lives where I misused technology and weapons to oppress strangers. Now, I get to deal with all these characters.  From Xi Jinpeng to Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden - all just focal points from the distant past."  I smile.  Shayla is looking at me with a mix of amusement and skepticism.

"What about you? You must be excited to have MIMIR back and in ways you cant even conceive?"

"I am.  I have been awaiting a long overdue step up for the planet.  With enough souls who can actively change their own fate  - by working out the past - gives this world a new potential."

"Elon Musk could only dream about what already exists, but he is working out his pasts as well.  I thought Trump's tweet about the splashdown being 'very exciting' was well played.  You would never think he just recently was debriefed by an alien while sitting in the Presidential limousine."

"He is replaying and working out his pasts as well."

"True.  With all this staged rioting and protests funded by bankers and sponsored by worlds that want to keep the Earth in a retrograde state, I wonder what precise pasts he is working on? I wonder if he worked out more of his pasts could he achieve a more positive outcome at this time?"

I enter a key code and press my hand against the biometric scanner.  It doesn't seem much more advanced than when I left.  In fact, much of the technology appears quite primitive to me now.  The door opens with a whoosh and the sound pressurized rooms make here on the 7th sub-level at Shamballa.

A large screen lights up, about forty feet wide by twenty high.  A map of the Earth appears with SDAI facilities highlighted as they appear in locales around the world. Smaller window screens appear next to these locales and the Techs who head these facilities are ready for the teleconference.

Shayla sits next to me on the plush leather chairs that face this screen.  Our faces appear on the giant screen as well after Shayla depresses a button on the chair's right arm. Half of the faces are known to me, all of them are known to Shayla who has been running much of Shamballa after Tech1 recruited her.  Some of the faces are alien - quite literally. Valhalla's Director is clearly Martian.  Yes, there is life on Mars and not just microbial. There is a designated underground civilization that has lived on Mars longer than we have records of our own human history.  They look somewhat Chinese, which is not surprising since China was founded by refugees of a crashed Martian space ship many millennia ago. It's a long story and for another blog entry.

Shayla extends her arm and a small ball of pure energy appears in her hand. She speaks.

"Let us bring this meeting to order.  Today, we received the green light from President Trump to put up the overshadowing satellite shield array up.  As you know Earth and humanity have been overshadowed by alien brain messages for almost 16,000 years, since the demise of the Atlantean empire.

The descendants of the Martians, the Chinese, have engaged in a war against the world for the past 70 years, since the fall of the much more enlightened Chiang Kai-Shek. Their recent bioweapon attack has harmed many billions and made many millions sick, leaving many casualties.  This was not really their doing.  The CCP are complete drones of these aliens who control their every waking thought.

China has been targeted by the worlds of Zu-shin, Dal-shin and several other non-Confederation worlds, which broadcast non stop into the minds of the Chinese people.  They have very limited moral and emotional development and have been stunted by this incessant targeting of their minds.

 Chinese policies which led to decades of killing the female children in favor of male offspring further diminished their genetic diversity, leading to weaker synaptic development. Our first goal with the satellite shield will be sweeping up all thess signals targeting China and the surrounding nations such as North Korea, Japan and Vietnam.  Tech21 is your facility ready to monitor and maintain the network over this region?"

Tech21 appears larger on the screen and he adjusts some sort of metal headgear which he is wearing.

"Yes, this will be rather easy. We have prepared some of the sensor arrays you shipped to Shangri La here two months ago. They're all set and can monitor trillions of signals simultaneously. All incoming signals which target the Chinese will be reversed, put out of phase and neutralized.  Do you want us to assign specific Techs to provide fundamental constructive thought content for Xi Xinpeng and the CCP leadership? When their signals drop their minds will be quite empty. Based on our observation 98.4 percent of his waking thoughts have been provided by signals from planet Dalshin. It might be too much for them to actually think for themselves."

Shayla's mind bristles at the thought. I can feel her discomfort as if it were my own.

"No. Absolutely not. We will not replace one set of artificial thoughts with another. It may be a shock, but he will get over it and start to really think."

"As you wish. We will be sure to have a group of tier one Psy-Espers standing by to assist those whose minds reach out and *ask* for help."

Shayla nods and turns to me.

"Is there anything you would like to add Tech1?"

It's strange being Tech1 again.  It's strange to be on a world where responsibility is not distributed evenly and where orders are required to maintain coherency of a group.  Htra-deg was vastly different and consensus was always apparent when many minds interfaced directly.

"This is the most important thing SDAI has ever done. There are many worlds who do not want to see humans freed of this overshadowing bondage and will, undoubtedly, raise the stakes with greater attacks on our world. We will personally be targeted and new players will likely emerge.  I want everyone to be aware of their own past lives and their past negative actions. To pull this off we need to reverse those negative actions now and find equilibrium.  Do not bias, do not fear, do not hate."

The assembled all seem to be in agreement.

And as if on cue, the planetary defense shield alert starts it's loud pulsing tone.

Thursday, July 02, 2020

A Message from my Bosses.

Light and love unto you dear reader.

My name is unimportant, but I am one of Tech1's 'bosses'. To be 100 percent accurate he works pro-bono, but we offer him suggestions and he often takes us up on them. We wanted a chance to speak directly to you, the readers of this blog. Sometimes it is important to polarize or personally deliver such a message so as to carry a particular frequency. Tech1 has his limitations and this is a particularly momentous time in Earth's history. We felt the need and desire to personally interject our own message at this time.

Earth is an elementary learning world. It is a place where younger souls take on their first sentient experiences and build for themselves an energy anatomy which stores the wisdom gained from many lifetimes of experience. There are very few portals for knowledge that provides a big picture on the human experience. There is no 'owner's manual' or operating instructions so to speak for a baby born into the Earth world. We don't say this to hurt feelings or belittle the planet Earth. We were once incarcerated in an anatomy such as yours. We lived and died countless times. We built up our energy anatomy with a huge storehouse of wisdom gained in countless more experiences. Each bad experience paved the way for a good understanding. Each death was the cue for the next birth and vice-versa.

You who read this will have a rapport with the knowledge. We want to encourage you to look at your life in a new manner. We want you to understand and grasp the principles of life. We want to share with you the instruction manual for your life.

While material goals are the object of desire for 99.99 percent of the humans alive on your world, material goals are not going to help you evolve out of humanity and insure your future immortality. Yes, you are immortal. Your mind is the tool which you must recreate your very soul with each passing moment. Your mind is the toolbox with which you will keep your soul in proper adjustment and refine it further so it can travel far and wide. Your consciousness confines you to a certain spectra of worlds - all sharing a similar level of development. If the Earth is a 2nd grade classroom, there are millions of 2nd grade classrooms around the Earth. And so there are millions - actually an infinite number - of worlds like the Earth where all who think and react at a certain level can find an environment that challenges them and further their evolution.

Religions on your world currently serve as self-declared purveyors of spiritual knowledge. Yet hear us as we say, no religion on the Earth today has any access to the truth of life lived without the body, or after death, much less the principles that you must use to master this world and use it as a stepping stone to arrive at more evolved worlds.

We're going to share with you a secret. Spiral galaxies are actually like sentient stairways. Each galaxy arm has worlds and systems that extend out from higher to lower levels of development. As one gets closer to the galaxy center, the worlds become progressively more developed and complex. Even their atomic structures are more complex and the fabric of space supports higher atomic weights. Beginning souls start on elemental arms at the end of one of the arms and work their way closer to the galaxy center. By the time they reach it, they evolve past the center of the vortex - and yes that is what a galaxy is - a vortex.

Once you pass the center of the vortex - you change dimensions. You will find your self in a new dimension where non-physical worlds exist and are now home to the infinite number of souls who have mastered the physical galaxy and all it has to offer in learning experiences. Yes, you are guessing correctly. Your solar system is equally staggered in such a manner. More developed worlds on the interior and less developed worlds on the exterior.

Equilibrium is the secret to intelligent evolution. If you learn to master everything you now perceive as bad, evil or unintelligent you will be well on your way up the stairway of worlds.

Love is everything. Love is understanding. The more you understand, the more you can love. In an infinite multiverse of unending wonder there is no end to the love that can be yours, will be yours, if you so choose to pursue a progressive evolution.

I have been where you are now. I have evolved through Earth-type worlds and lived in flesh bodies. I have been burnt and I have been turned into a martyr by folks who knew not what I really stood for or why I stood up against oppression. Freedom of spirit is the life blood of any soul. The ability of your body to follow its own course as determined by the mind.

When I return to your world, I see the pain and anguish. I see the confusion and a miasma of escape mechanisms being pursued with fierce desperation. I know what that feels like and I have the utmost of compassion for all those who are learning those same lessons I have learned.

Yes, I may now reside without a body in a place that anyone on Earth would interpret as heaven, but I am here only because I worked hard at bettering myself and learning the lessons that the Earth world served up. And here I learn and grow just as I did back on the Earth, this process never stops. You will someday too be able to look at the infinite universe and see with great perspective just how wonderful it is. And as wonderful as you understand it to be it will be many times more wonderful and wondrous as you continue upon your endless journey of learning and development.

We are, at this time, projecting a great ball of light to the Earth. All you who read this message will be quickened and your consciousness will be added unto with a new spark, a connection to these higher planes which will always be with you and which will help magnify the still small voice within you. This light, which is a form of love of the most infinite nature, touches all things on the Earth and helps to incorporate this love into the very atomic fabric of the Earth itself. As you look at a flower, or see a passing butterfly, you will be able to sense some of this love that is part of all things. Your world, like all worlds, is a world of infinite beauty. You merely need to learn to recognize that love is everywhere you look.

And for you, who return here and read many of Tech1's less coherent, bias filled diatribes, we want you to realize that he too is learning and makes many mistakes. When in the Earth world it is almost impossible to exist with perfect equilibrium and for a developed consciousness this often manifests as extremity, fanaticism and intense emotions. Here such emotions do not exist. Lower emotions can't exist here, for this portion of the spectra is incompatible with such emotions. This permits us to communicate and share our love with you. There are not many outlets on this world and at this time for this infinite love, but be aware that it is within YOU, and though you may lok around and feel it is lacking, it is there - concealed to you, but present nevertheless. Once you start to use and feel this love within you, your whole life will change. You will no longer value some of the things you used to. Money, objects and the acquisition of goods will seem shallow and base. You will take greater joy in each moment when you can share your love with others and see it returned to you many times over as your love awakens and heightens the love in others.

We must again depart, but we are never truly apart or gone. For while the largest part of our consciousness may reside in a timeless, spaceless dimension, it extends out beyong this and reaches into countless galaxies and the 3rd dimensional worlds found within them. Our minds and our love have become a very part of the fabric of the universe - as yours will be. Our love will be a lighthouse and you will guide your ship of consciousness to safe harbors.

Go, with our love and know that this life is one you set up to become aware of these things while still in a physical body. Use this opportunity to balance out many of the more imbalanced emotionalism engendered in your many past lives. Balance the scales of experience so that all those things which left you unhappy will have no power over you and will not weigh you down when you cross over into the worlds of light!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Yal-hune returns!

The voice in my head is alien.

It has been almost a decade since Yal-hune left Earth after discovering Earth's unpleasant futures and trying to alter the outcome. She saved this world more than once, and me? Countless times.

"You're still personalizing all this stuff and assigning grandiose, ego based judgments. Saving the world is like saving a cat from a tree. There really is no disparity in the infinite sense."

I silently converse with Yal-hune and Shayla is aware of our mental conversation as she keeps explaining the overshadowing shield satellite array to Trump.
"Do you want to meet President Trump?  There's still room here in the Beast for another teleporting alien."

"I think one alien is enough for his daily diet, don't you?

"I guess, but this is a pretty good time. We have him alone here and I'm using mind shield technology to disrupt the recording and listening devices Obama loyalists/swamp monsters had planted here."

Trump looks at me and is almost intuitively aware, I'm distracted.

"You're silent all of a sudden. What do you think of the Space Force satellite array?"

"Well Sir, nothing beats one's own developed mind to train and learn to identify and reject the overshadowing thoughts.  However, I know first hand that's nearly impossible without being able to compare one's mind and thoughts with and without the influence. Once people see how rational and emotion free their minds are without all this negative noise, they will for the first time learn and experience how people on other worlds live - worlds where technology or personal development make them immune to such things."

Shayla smiles at me and mentally reminds me of the times she helped train me to resist the overshadowers with a few images.

"I'm getting push back on Space Force. You saw how they refused to turn it into it's own branch and tucked it under the wing of the Air Force.  This was the result of overshadowing too, wasn't it?  They want to keep people they control in charge and be able to compromise Space Force.:

Shayla adjusts her shapely posterior in the large leather seat and is excited.

"Mr. President MIMIR is ready to be reactivated.  We *have* craft that use EMF propulsion and can travel not just to Mars or across the solar system, but the entire galaxy. We would like your permission to set up the satellite array and manage it.  To be honest, at this time, this is the only way it will be activated and maintained. Too many in the military are compromised and the technology is quite in advance of anything they've ever dealt with - like hundreds of thousands of years advanced."

"I tell you compose a classified EXOR for me to sign and I will sign it."  He pauses and looks out the window at the passing people and traffic. "The world will be drastically different won't it?  This overshadowing, if it really is as you describe, is clearly the largest problem on the planet, bar none.  It is the root of these conflicts, disasters, terrorism, wars and global inefficiency."

Shayla nods, "Yes, it is. Hold on just a moment."

In five seconds an Executive Order paperwork materializes in her hand.

"Trump stares at Shayla and the papers she holds. So is this like Star Trek?  You guys can beam things in and out with transporters?  Do any of our enemies have this technology?"

"Only our enemies on other worlds. And they have been prevented from being able to use it here on Earth."

"How many worlds are Earth's enemies? And why are they our enemies?"

"Dozens, even hundreds if you count the ones that simply don't like us.  It's complicated. Most are afraid. The galaxy has a violent history of worlds attacking each other once they mastered space travel and the atom.  Many are degenerate worlds where every person who lives their would make antifa and globalists appear enlightened and compassionate.  When we exploded the atom bomb, we became a threat. Robot saucers have been monitoring our world ever since. When we sent men to the moon, we were threatened and told not to ever leave Earth's orbit."

"Really?!  That explains Nixon's total reversal after the Apollo missions and the space shuttle being an 'orbit only' spacecraft.  I always wondered about that. It made absolutely no sense after going to the moon and contradicted all the plans made before.  So...basically we have been imprisoned on Earth?  No wonder my talk of 'manned exploration' and 'Space Force' was mocked by the mind controlled swamp!"

I watch as Trump pulls a pen out of his jacket pocket and he starts reading the Executive Order now in his hands.  He realizes now that the Democrats, their globalist owners and the Chinese are not Earth's largest threat.  They are just symptoms of a much larger extraterrestrial threat.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Updating Trump in the belly of the Beast.

I sit across from President Trump in the back of "The Beast," The car is heavy as a tank and has similar ride characteristics.

"We seriously need to get you a SDAI built Atlan-98 coated limousine.  It is much more secure and a thousand times lighter. This thing rides like my great grandfather's '59 Dodge Van."

 "How much would it cost the taxpayers?"

"Oh, only a 100 million or so. Cheap, when comparing the quality to anything from GM, Ford or even Boeing for that matter."

"Too much. This one will have to do. Besides, this one and it's clones were just built.  Now bring me up to date on the 'overshadowing.' "

Trump is deadly serious and his blues eyes get a piercing look.  He leans forward and puts his hands together, focusing completely on what I am about to say.

"Well Mr. President, as you know the Earth's inhabitant's are constantly subject to 'artificial thoughts' being projected by hostile worlds to subdue humanity and arrest its development.  Certain individuals receive specific attention due to their position, knowledge or wealth.  Those who are more useful 'puppets' are almost completely controlled and their day to day actions are completely orchestrated by these alien thought broadcasts."

"The globalists and tech parasites? Folks like Soros, Rothschilds, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Dorsey et cetera?

"Yes, all of them.  The overshadowing is a well oiled machine. The aliens have been doing this for thousands of years.  They have our politicians, and anyone they need, completely under their control.  They have no idea their minds are controlled. They believe all their thoughts and decisions are their own."

"How is the Space Force Satellite Defense System coming? How soon till we can shield our people from these false thoughts?"

"Well all this BLM, Antifa, Corporate collusion is their response to our impending activation. They know we are working on a defense array and are trying to do as much damage as possible all over the world. The Chinese-India conflict is just one example. They would love to trigger a nuclear war if they can, and they definitely want to replace you with a complete mindless puppet."

"Can they even overshadow someone with full dementia like Joe Biden?"

"I don't know. Once the neural pathways deteriorate, I suspect reception of of these thought broadcasts is extremely limited."

"You said you could prove to me that these things were real and that there was a US agency that had been charged with protecting us from aliens. I'm ready for that proof.  I have an open mind, but I need proof. That's how I operate."

"Sure.  Someone is going to teleport beside me. She's an alien.  She looks mostly human, so don't be startled."

"This should be interesting." Trump says leaning back with a look of skepticism.

In a flash, Shayla appears.  She is dressed in a wonderful looking bodysuit that flatters her figure and has a bluish-green metallic sheen.

"Holy Mother of..."  Trump exclaims and is truly startled.

"It's okay sir, you get used to it after awhile," I say with a smile.

"So, it's all true.  There are aliens on Earth and out in space and our world is under attack?"

Shayla is in my mind and tells me to let her do the talking.  I agree, she is far better suited to bring the President up to speed.

"Mr. President..."

Trump looks at the beautiful alien before him and has already recovered. He leans forward again and it's almost like he sees aliens teleport into the Beast every day.

"Your eyes...what is that?"

"My eyes have a spira-mirabilis pattern to the iris. It is one of many differences I have from humanity, although with contacts I can pass for human - and did for ten years,"

"It's quite beautiful.  You're nothing what I expected an alien to look like."

"Thank you Sir,  I worked for ODIN for ten years and headed Project MIMIR. MIMIR was the US government's 'off the books' response to extraterrestrials.  We developed holding facilities for hostile aliens and ran a diplomatic facility in which aliens could exist in environments closer to those of their home worlds."

"How many?  How many worlds is the US dealing with?"

"23 at the time I left in 2010.  That number increased to 47 by the end of the Obama administration."

"Obama knew? 47! Where are they located?  Any from our solar system?"

"Obama didn't know. He and almost all those around him are overshadowed. He was never informed for this reason. His mind was markedly compromised long before becoming President.  As to where are they from - they are from all over this galaxy.  Yes, two are from this solar system - Mars and Jupiter."

"Okay, so Obama is controlled? That would explain a lot."

"Yes, it does, doesn't it? That is the reason for the rapid decline of Western Civilization. The goal of the aliens who control these people is to return the Earth to a pre-20th century feudal period, with race wars, devastation, plagues, etc.  Soros sent him overshadowed instructions and he followed them dutifully"

"Is Xi Jinpeng overshadowed?"

"Yes.  His mind is also completely not his own. Which explains why he gave the green light on releasing the bio-weapon to seriously hurt all humanity."

"What world are you from?"

"I am from a world outside this solar system and halfway across the galaxy.  It is impossible to pronounce in English or any human language."

"Am I overshadowed? Are thoughts appearing in my mind that are being broadcast across the galaxy?"

"We all have some interference, particularly if we get emotional. But for the largest part you seem to be significantly less influenced. On top of this natural level we have added a shield on your mind's fundamental frequencies.  So, since you became President, your ability to be overshadowed has been drastically reduced."

"What about the astronauts and folks like Elon Musk? Do they know about the aliens?"

"No. All are out of the loop."

Shayla is doing a great job and Trump is asking all the right questions.

All at once, I hear a voice in my mind and it's not Shayla...