The secret to survival is balance. The body instantly sets in motion its balancing mechanism when a foreign body enters the system. What's more...the mind is the first line of defense against illness.
Yes, every disease is communicable.
From Cancer and Alzheimer's to the common cold.
It's all about attenuation. Attenuation of your thoughts.
We induct many illnesses into our body by our thought processes. Just looking at someone ill and fearing one might get sick, immediately draws sickness unto one. The fear is a very real property that imbalances wave forms of energy that express in cellular structures as part of the immune system. Many pathogens are carried in our body all the time and our mental imbalances trigger a weakness in our immune system permitting one pathogen to flare up and infect cells.
These cells have bean weakened by thoughts.
Each moment we create new cells. The health of these cells is largely determined by the consciousness we held while they were being formed.
A person can get heart palpitations just by fearing for their heart. It's quite common, actually. Any health fear degrades the body.
Yes, this is 30th century stuff in most time-streams. Hundreds of years away from discovery. But as I described many times, time is not linear, it is a cycle and the entire 3rd dimension's timestream is a subset of 4th dimensional energy. It' easy to live in the year 2943, die and then return to the 21st century and feel one has returned to the dark ages.
The doctors of the future are beautiful. Really. They are developed beyond all imagining.
They can simply look at a person and determine their health. They can identify the starts of illnesses, such as cancer from the very first few cell malignancies and can detect any imbalance in the body that poses a problem. They train their minds and are what today would be called "psychic" - however in the future its simply that more of the minds abilities are recognized, honed and trained just like teaching addition and subtraction is today.
These doctors of the future help you to heal yourself. They know that healing always is self-manifested. They help identify the thought processes, attitudes and emotions that brought illness into the body.
The minds of these doctors are advanced even for this future day. They have the ability to reach into the timestream and identify the patients previous lifetimes which are in-phase relationships with their current life, and illness, and reveal them to the patient. The patient then can see that his broken leg has roots in an experience when he fell off a roof during a storm in 1853, a car accident in 1994 and being kicked by a horse in 2155. These lifetimes are feeding data, via the DNA and its supporting energy field, into the cell. Each lifetime that patient has attracted this broken leg or similar injury, and it's not just fate or carelessness, but a repeating cycle of energy.
This cycle once identified has certain emotional baggage that keeps it from being balanced. The more imbalanced it is the stronger these illnesses or injuries become -and the less imbalanced, the weaker the manifestations.
So, to make this brief interlude into the future shorter, summing up, we see that all illnesses find their starts in imbalanced emotional experiences. Hate, fear, sadness, anger....all cause illness in the body. Once one understands this one has a new motivation for refraining from these lower emotions. Knowing that with each thought simultaneously new cells are being created and that one's mental state determines their efficiency - will be a major eye-opener for humanity, which has since the cave-man days engaged gratuitously in emotional outbursts in dealing with the world around them and their fellow humans.
And now specifically to swine flu:
SARS, Swine flu and all similar diseases are born in regions with low fundamental frequencies. Mexico, China and much of the third world are birth regions of these new diseases - created by the minds of their residents and manifested into their bodies. Plagues of the past often came from humans living with rats. Animal cohabitation and the lowering frequency that this animal-human pairing off creates acts as a inductor of animal illnesses to humans. When enough shared frequencies exist in the cell structures an animal disease can jump to a human. By living with the animals they resonate together and make this transfer over time, much easier. So SARS makes its first appearance in a human who lives with animals, like an animal.
Fortunately, for those whose fundamental frequency is elevated - this confers a general immunity to these diseases. This is why the transfer rate is limited or why the NY kids did not get as sick as the people in Mexico even though the basic pathogen is the same. So don't be afraid - because fear is the enemy.
In this future day some of you, who read this, will be the doctors who treat these things and the minds of your patients will be as open books for you to read and you will be the ones who help to eradicate disease in all its forms.
SARS, Swine flu, West Nile Virus, Mad Cow disease...all victimize those whose cell structures had resonance.
To cure incurable illnesses one must put the condition out of phase. What does this mean? We must apply new wave-forms, via thoughts, that now start the balancing process with the previously imbalanced ones. When we do this thinking process - new cells are formed that are stronger and become more capable of dealing with the illness - whatever it is. If one is positive about the illness, this immediately starts acting as a cure. Yes - here is another important tool:
Welcome your illnesses.
Do not fear them or run from them. They are your soul's tools for improving itself and evolving. They are the building blocks to a better mind, body and soul.
Each illness mastered strengthens your structures. One must learn to face illness with a smile and not feel sorry for oneself or get depressed or fearful. This positive attitude will build more intelligent cell structures and this intelligence will also be recorded in your energy field - the sponsoring storehouse of data which manipulates your parents DNA to create your own when you are conceived. So future lifetimes will also carry this improved data. This is evolution. This data transfer between cells and their 4th dimensional energy field is the missing link between evolving species.
Experience confers ability to deal with known factors. Unknowns eventually become known and the anatomy evolves a response to each new factor.
And while I have described the doctors and their abilities somewhat, I have not explained the technology they use. They do not use drugs or inject chemicals into the body. They can control the body via signals. They understand that cells are like little radios and constantly broadcast instructions to other cells in the body. These signals can be reproduced so that the body reacts. Healing a cut can be sped up. Not as fast as perhaps seen on Star Trek or some Sci-fi show, but several times faster than presently. Cancerous cells can be isolated and reoriented to normal. Cells with deficiencies can be corrected. All the dystrophy and ailments that currently have no cure can be healed in this future day.
However, as I mentioned, they realize the physical treatment will not be a lasting cure unless those sponsoring thoughts, experiences and past lives are addressed and balanced. So there primary goal is to assist in the long term cure of recurring ailments and by doing so providing a real cure.
Even the best doctors today know none of this. They understand, vaguely, the statistical benefit of a positive attitude on recovery and that's about it. All the rest, including the real cause and how to provide a lasting cure still eludes them.
So we have a sick world. A world that fears illness and whose emotions and thought processes actually create their ailments. These pandemic diseases man fears are just the replays of similar lives lived in the middle ages when the Black Death ravaged the land. This fear subconsciously is drawn upon and in all their efforts to shield themselves from some disease, they actually weaken their bodies and draw, not necessarily the disease they fear, but any disease. Because this is the way the universe helps us all evolve and become fearless and more intelligent in all our structures - physical and mental.
We master our environment, body and mind and keep climbing up the evolutionary ladder - not just on this world, but many worlds and eventually between dimensions as well. There is no end to the potential for development.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
The American Dream circa 1956
This is a real time-warp. The sexism, of course, is there, and this future is a bit creepy for some reason, but the optimism is vibrant and this Motorama promotion by GM captures the mid-fifties hope of a wealthy and prosperous future for everyone. It has achieved cult status on the web, but in case you have not seen it, here it is.
I'll take the red Corvette and the metallic blue Buick, thank you.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
The True Causes of Global Warming & Cooling (Part of the 'How Earth Works' series )
It's time to explain the way this planet's climate works. This time in sufficient detail to be educational for all who stumble upon this post now or in the future.
Global warming and cooling occur simultaneously and these processes are controlled by our sun.
The north pole of our magnetosphere is rapidly migrating north. The constant movement in animal migrations, plant compatibility and most importantly climate is natural.
image credit:
It has moved as much in the last 30 years as it did in the previous 150. There is no big mystery here, this has nothing to do with man, but with molten iron in the Earth which is constantly moving in our planet's core and as it moves through the sun's magnetic field, takes a charge and creates a sub-field which becomes our world's magnetosphere.
Scientific ignorance creates this hysteria and feeds the exploiters.
Understanding the significance of this magnetic pole movement, explains charged particle distribution in the atmosphere and this also directly influences temperature and the fields and cycles that act as invisible guides for all life and nature. As our magnetosphere adjusts different areas receive more influx of charged particles. The Northern and Southern Lights are the visible example of this particle bombardment into our atmosphere as it comes into contact with various gases in the upper stratosphere. Right now, the magnetosphere is moving quickly. Some believe it will make it to Siberia by 2050 - just over forty years from now. Expecting such shifts in the magnetosphere NOT to produce significant climate movements all over the world is ridiculous.
Here's how it works:
Most scientists don't even really understand this field and it's relationship to climate. All this understanding is post-space age IGY 1958 (International Geophysical Year 1958) stuff and is, even now, almost completely unknown or ignored by most practicing climatologists and "weathermen." This is cutting edge stuff, and it helps if one is more physicist than climatologist. It will be understood much more hundreds of years from now, provided man continues to progress technologically and scientifically, and those who read this blog entry will know more about the real causes of climate changes, storm formation and 'global warming' than many of the so-called 'experts' who claim man-made pollution and CO2 formation is trapping the sunlight and heating the world.
The magnetosphere is not a perfect circle. Portions of it vary significantly in depth and as the earth rotates this field morphs around it -constantly. The depth is a factor in the quantity of solar radiation that reaches any given part of the planet underneath. Look at the plasmasphere (green) and note how it bulges out and rapidly thins to almost nothing at the north and south pole. This plasmasphere bulge protects the earth and near the equator allows water vapor to exist in the atmosphere in greatest abundance without entering a frozen state and being returned to the ground as ice (as in the north and south) This water vapor in the atmosphere is heated and provides warmth to the regions where it is permitted to exist.
The poles are cold because they receive too much charged particle energy and not enough lower spectra solar radiation (due to the planet's surface angles of incidence with the solar wind) and this fast moving energy breaks down the atmosphere over the poles, including H20,and prevents lower spectra solar radiation from effectively warming the poles. If the poles get warmer it means your solar wind is reduced in intensity However, this same solar wind feeds the magnetosphere and the plasmasphere and shields it from a portion of the solar radiation spectra. So as the poles get warmer, the intensity of the magnetosphere weakens and other spots, normally shielded by an active magnetosphere, experience new high temperatures as more solar radiation reaches the surface. This is GLOBAL WARMING. The poles will warm faster than the rest because they are polarized extremes and variations in solar wind will more quickly manifest in these regions. So, contrary to expectations, a diminished solar wind can actually increase HEAT and an increase can increase COLD at the polar regions.
Note also the flow of charge particles towards this pole, such particle bombardment breaks down and creates O3 (aka ozone) into O2 & O and then they naturally recombine over time. This is the cause of the constantly fluctuating ozone holes over the poles.
In this video you will see the magnetic force lines move using historical data (from 1590 to present day) of the magnetic pole movements. The yellow line is the magnetic equator. Towards the very end you will notice the yellow line jump northward significantly over the Americas. For centuries North America was getting colder as the pole lowered over Canada and then in the past 100 years, particularly the last 30, we are getting warmer as this magnetic pole suddenly races towards Siberia. The further northern living and migration patterns of various animal and insect species noted by the Audobon Society and others, match this northern magnetosphere movement.
I smile when I see folks trying to make sense of climate variation when they have no knowledge of the magnetosphere and solar-earth field relationships. These are our world's SOLE climate control system! This movement causes some areas to get hotter and others colder - simultaneously. Global warming and global cooling are constants depending upon solar radiation and magnetosphere movement. The winds, the rains, the snow storms, the cloud movements - all are solar controlled. The migration patterns are guided by internal cycles and as the magnetic pole moves, the animals (fairly quickly) and plant life (more slowly) adjust accordingly.
The field relationships are complex. Even slight variations in the solar wind and magnetosphere movements can produce storms and heat waves. All I have explained here is only a fraction of the sophisticated system that controls temperatures and weather on Earth. The constant polarity shifts in the field, increasing and decreasing Gauss and it's relationship to solar absorption and more are a bit too complex to enter into when trying to give a broad overview of the processes.
Assuming the ozone breakdown was due to man-made fluorocarbons was ridiculous, but it certainly has helped some companies profit when hysteria reigned. Likewise, assuming man-made CO2 is driving climate change, ice shelf melting and other events blamed on 'man-made' global warming is another myth and is equally preposterous when one actually understands even a fraction of these complex Sun-Earth field interactions.
Man can ban all CFCs and the ozone hole will grow, diminish ad infinitum regardless. Manmade CO2 could be completely banned and it would not save any ice shelves or polar bears and make no measurable change in the climate changes the Earth undergoes - and has undergone since long before man was producing any CO2 at all.
Global warming and cooling is not good or evil. It is a natural process that has permitted evolution to work. Polarized extremes all have their root in the simple sine-wave of energy and these motions of energy are endless. Animal species come and go and evolve or die off - and this, too, is perfectly natural.
This is why most other planets warm when our world warms. They receive the same solar wind adjustments. Man is not responsible for Mars temperature increases or those on the Earth, mankind is still an insignificant nothing when it comes to his ability to influence climate or temperature on his world.
Those who claim the planet is experiencing 'man-made global warming' don't know what they are talking about. They don't understand the climate drivers, the field relationships or anything else. They are like very young children who don't understand the bath gets warmer because warm water is added to it from the faucet, not because they are splashing around and heating this water up.
This world-wide ignorance of how our climate works is exploited by those who want to consolidate power or profits. So bookmark this page and spread the good word: the sky is not falling.
Global warming and cooling occur simultaneously and these processes are controlled by our sun.
The north pole of our magnetosphere is rapidly migrating north. The constant movement in animal migrations, plant compatibility and most importantly climate is natural.
image credit:
It has moved as much in the last 30 years as it did in the previous 150. There is no big mystery here, this has nothing to do with man, but with molten iron in the Earth which is constantly moving in our planet's core and as it moves through the sun's magnetic field, takes a charge and creates a sub-field which becomes our world's magnetosphere.
Scientific ignorance creates this hysteria and feeds the exploiters.
Understanding the significance of this magnetic pole movement, explains charged particle distribution in the atmosphere and this also directly influences temperature and the fields and cycles that act as invisible guides for all life and nature. As our magnetosphere adjusts different areas receive more influx of charged particles. The Northern and Southern Lights are the visible example of this particle bombardment into our atmosphere as it comes into contact with various gases in the upper stratosphere. Right now, the magnetosphere is moving quickly. Some believe it will make it to Siberia by 2050 - just over forty years from now. Expecting such shifts in the magnetosphere NOT to produce significant climate movements all over the world is ridiculous.
Here's how it works:
Most scientists don't even really understand this field and it's relationship to climate. All this understanding is post-space age IGY 1958 (International Geophysical Year 1958) stuff and is, even now, almost completely unknown or ignored by most practicing climatologists and "weathermen." This is cutting edge stuff, and it helps if one is more physicist than climatologist. It will be understood much more hundreds of years from now, provided man continues to progress technologically and scientifically, and those who read this blog entry will know more about the real causes of climate changes, storm formation and 'global warming' than many of the so-called 'experts' who claim man-made pollution and CO2 formation is trapping the sunlight and heating the world.
The magnetosphere is not a perfect circle. Portions of it vary significantly in depth and as the earth rotates this field morphs around it -constantly. The depth is a factor in the quantity of solar radiation that reaches any given part of the planet underneath. Look at the plasmasphere (green) and note how it bulges out and rapidly thins to almost nothing at the north and south pole. This plasmasphere bulge protects the earth and near the equator allows water vapor to exist in the atmosphere in greatest abundance without entering a frozen state and being returned to the ground as ice (as in the north and south) This water vapor in the atmosphere is heated and provides warmth to the regions where it is permitted to exist.
The poles are cold because they receive too much charged particle energy and not enough lower spectra solar radiation (due to the planet's surface angles of incidence with the solar wind) and this fast moving energy breaks down the atmosphere over the poles, including H20,and prevents lower spectra solar radiation from effectively warming the poles. If the poles get warmer it means your solar wind is reduced in intensity However, this same solar wind feeds the magnetosphere and the plasmasphere and shields it from a portion of the solar radiation spectra. So as the poles get warmer, the intensity of the magnetosphere weakens and other spots, normally shielded by an active magnetosphere, experience new high temperatures as more solar radiation reaches the surface. This is GLOBAL WARMING. The poles will warm faster than the rest because they are polarized extremes and variations in solar wind will more quickly manifest in these regions. So, contrary to expectations, a diminished solar wind can actually increase HEAT and an increase can increase COLD at the polar regions.
Note also the flow of charge particles towards this pole, such particle bombardment breaks down and creates O3 (aka ozone) into O2 & O and then they naturally recombine over time. This is the cause of the constantly fluctuating ozone holes over the poles.
In this video you will see the magnetic force lines move using historical data (from 1590 to present day) of the magnetic pole movements. The yellow line is the magnetic equator. Towards the very end you will notice the yellow line jump northward significantly over the Americas. For centuries North America was getting colder as the pole lowered over Canada and then in the past 100 years, particularly the last 30, we are getting warmer as this magnetic pole suddenly races towards Siberia. The further northern living and migration patterns of various animal and insect species noted by the Audobon Society and others, match this northern magnetosphere movement.
I smile when I see folks trying to make sense of climate variation when they have no knowledge of the magnetosphere and solar-earth field relationships. These are our world's SOLE climate control system! This movement causes some areas to get hotter and others colder - simultaneously. Global warming and global cooling are constants depending upon solar radiation and magnetosphere movement. The winds, the rains, the snow storms, the cloud movements - all are solar controlled. The migration patterns are guided by internal cycles and as the magnetic pole moves, the animals (fairly quickly) and plant life (more slowly) adjust accordingly.
The field relationships are complex. Even slight variations in the solar wind and magnetosphere movements can produce storms and heat waves. All I have explained here is only a fraction of the sophisticated system that controls temperatures and weather on Earth. The constant polarity shifts in the field, increasing and decreasing Gauss and it's relationship to solar absorption and more are a bit too complex to enter into when trying to give a broad overview of the processes.
Assuming the ozone breakdown was due to man-made fluorocarbons was ridiculous, but it certainly has helped some companies profit when hysteria reigned. Likewise, assuming man-made CO2 is driving climate change, ice shelf melting and other events blamed on 'man-made' global warming is another myth and is equally preposterous when one actually understands even a fraction of these complex Sun-Earth field interactions.
Man can ban all CFCs and the ozone hole will grow, diminish ad infinitum regardless. Manmade CO2 could be completely banned and it would not save any ice shelves or polar bears and make no measurable change in the climate changes the Earth undergoes - and has undergone since long before man was producing any CO2 at all.
Global warming and cooling is not good or evil. It is a natural process that has permitted evolution to work. Polarized extremes all have their root in the simple sine-wave of energy and these motions of energy are endless. Animal species come and go and evolve or die off - and this, too, is perfectly natural.
This is why most other planets warm when our world warms. They receive the same solar wind adjustments. Man is not responsible for Mars temperature increases or those on the Earth, mankind is still an insignificant nothing when it comes to his ability to influence climate or temperature on his world.
Those who claim the planet is experiencing 'man-made global warming' don't know what they are talking about. They don't understand the climate drivers, the field relationships or anything else. They are like very young children who don't understand the bath gets warmer because warm water is added to it from the faucet, not because they are splashing around and heating this water up.
This world-wide ignorance of how our climate works is exploited by those who want to consolidate power or profits. So bookmark this page and spread the good word: the sky is not falling.
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